Monday, January 9, 2017

Back in the Swing of Things!

Last week, the students finished up their Argument Letters and I was able to grade them this weekend. Now comes the family homework! Students will receive their original version, revised version, and rubric today. On the back of the rubric, they wrote a prompt for someone at home: "What is something that impressed you about this writing?" and left a spot for a signature. This should be returned to school by Wednesday 1/11/16.

Also, just another reminder that Grammar Practice packets are due tomorrow, 1/10/16. The students had a week to work on them, so hopefully they used their time wisely and don't have much left to do!

Upcoming, the students will be putting together Action Project pitches related to plastics. They will be presented in class later this week. Each class (6-1, 6-2, 6-3) will choose one project to put forward to the grade. The students will then vote on a winning project that the whole grade will work on. I'm excited to see what the student come up with!