Thursday, September 24, 2015

First Weeks Update

Over these first weeks, the students have been busy exploring several different questions.

First, we began with Who are you as readers, writers, and learners? We did a variety of activities like our Stick Figure Me posters as well as our Brown Bag Bios. The presentations rocked, especially when students were able to share their expertise with their classmates!

This week we have been thinking about Where we you as readers, writers, and learners? They have been working on the Quarterly Literacy Assessment Benchmark to gauge where there strengths are and where they have room to grow.
Image result for growing
Now, we will be thinking about What do other writers do? We will be examining a variety of elements of author's craft, specifically looking at how authors tell stories about growing up. We will think about what it means to "fit in." We'll start with Sandra Cisneros's short story "Eleven," then delve into Gary Soto's "Seventh Grade." The students will compare each author's craft, then choose an element to imitate in their own personal narrative about growing up and/or fitting in.

Image result for fitting in