Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week of 2/23-2/27

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Welcome back from vacation! I know I am excited to be back and get to work on student-led inquiry projects.

In LA, 6-2 will be drafting their character compare/contrast essays. 6-1 and 6-3 will receive their drafts back with lots of feedback so they can make revisions at home. Revisions will be due Thursday 2/26. Since their essay draft is done, 6-1 and 6-3 will be comparing/contrasting which version of "Monsters" was more suspenseful: the written text or video text. Each student will create his or her own "promotion" advertising their point of view. Each class will judge the other class's promotion, deciding which one is most effective - and the winners will be posted on this blog!

In LAX, we are exploring the questions of "What messages does the media send about what it means to be a man or woman?" The students will each be completing their own inquiry project, identifying an issue with gender and the media, finding 3 examples of this issue, an article that says something about what they noticed, and create an action plan to address this issue. They will begin by completing their proposal form here.

Also, in LA Enrichment, the students will become the teachers for Root of the Week. Each group will be brainstorming about what makes a great lesson, then planning a great lesson to teach their root to their classmates.

Just a reminder too that Q3 Reading Logs will be due March 27.