This week, we are in the middle of writing our Author's Craft Evidence Sandwiches. The students are learning the four parts of an Evidence Sandwich (Focus, Context, Evidence, Analysis) and drafting their own about the author's use of symbolism in "Inside Out." At the end of the week, we will return to reading the novel.
Our skill of the week is citing quotations. The rules we discussed in class are:
1. The transition into the quote must include the speaker's name as well as a verb (such as said, asked, declared, shouted, etc.)
2. A comma is needed before the opening quotation marks.
3. The first letter of the first word inside the quotation marks is capitalized.
4. The punctuation from the quote is only inside the quotation marks if it is a question mark or exclamation point.
5. Inside of the parentheses is only the author's last name and page number where the quote was found (no pg. or p. or # or comma needed).
6. A period is needed after the final parenthesis (unless you are continuing the sentence).
Here is an example: Anita announced, "I love french fries!" (Smith 42).
HOMEWORK: Read 30 minutes each night. Reading Logs for the quarter are due October 30. Check your planner for the due date of your Author's Craft Evidence Sandwich!