Sunday, October 30, 2016

Immigration Sources

Level 1 Source - Easiest to read, links to additional pages in the sidebar on the right, but provides the least detail and doesn't always cite sources

Level 2 Source - A bit more challenging, but provides sources like the U.S. Census Bureau

Myths and Facts about Immigrants and Immigration, published by the Anti-Defamation League

Level 3 Sources - Most challenging because it provides lots of questions and answers, questionable biases of creators

Facts about Immigration and the US Economy, published by the Economic Policy Institute

Other Sources of Interest

Friday, October 7, 2016

How to Integrate Quotes and Conversation Cheat Sheet!

THIS CHART is a fantastic tool to use to ensure that you are integrating quotations smoothly into your writing!

THIS CHART is a fantastic tool to use to ensure that you are integrating conversation/dialogue smoothly into your writing!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Recognizing Stereotypes and Speaking Back through Memoir

After reading some memoir-like short stories, the students have had a great week starting to brainstorm memories and lessons for their own memoirs! Today we watched this video (see below) from the WNYC series Being 12. In this particular video, the 12 year olds tell brief memoirs about stereotypes they have faced in their lives. The students did an amazing job discussing the unfairness of the situation, making connections to our human rights work. This video is also serving as a launch point for many of their own memoirs where they will tell a story about themselves that breaks a stereotype that has negatively affected them. I can't wait for more drafting and digging into their life stories!